Discovering Structural and Computational Mechanics
Project Acronym: CENTAVO
Project Title:CENTAVO - Manutenção baseada na Condição para Locomotivas
Responsible @ACMEC: António Ramos Andrade
Project Acronym: LOCATE
Project Title: Locomotive bOgie Condition mAinTEnance
Responsible @ACMEC: Jorge Ambrósio
Project Acronym: PantOCL
Project Title: Pantograph - Overhead Contact Line Interaction: Dynamic Behaviour and Quality of the Current Collection
Responsible @ACMEC: Jorge Ambrósio
Project Acronym: VibrOpt
Project Title: VibrOpt - Optimization of piezoelectric composite panels for active and passive vibroacoustic control
Responsible @ACMEC: Aurélio Araújo
Project Acronym: SMaRTE
Project Title: Smart Maintenance and the Rail Traveller Experience
Responsible @ACMEC: António Andrade
Project Acronym: MAXBE
Project Title: MAXBE: Interoperable monitoring, diagnosis and maintenance strategies for axle bearings
Responsible @ACMEC: Jorge Ambrósio
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Scientific Area of Structural and Computational Mechanics (ACMEC)