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Prof. Paulo Fernandes is the new Honorary Member of the European Society of Biomechanics

Professor Paulo Fernandes was nominated and accepted as a Honorary Member of the European Society of Biomechanics on the 28th of June during this year’s General Assembly.
The European Society of Biomechanics was founded in 1976 at a meeting in Brussels, with the presence of 20 scientists from 11 countries. It is now the largest Biomechanics society in Europe, with over 1500 members. Its goal is to encourage, disseminate and promote the research in the field of Biomechanics.
Any person who has rendered special meritorious services to the Society or who has performed unusual work evidencing a high degree of achievement in the field of biomechanics may be elected as Honorary Member upon the recommendation of the Council.
Professor Paulo Fernandes joined the European Society of Biomechanics in 2000, having been part of its council between 2012 and 2016. His excellent contribution for the field of Biomechanics has now been recognized with this distinction.
ESB honorary%20member

The ICCB2022 – Nineth International Conference on Computational Bioengineering - will take place at Instituto Superior Técncio, 11 – 13 April 2022. 

The meeting is part of a meeting series that started in 2003 in Zaragoza, originally conceived by Manuel Doblaré, Helder Rodrigues and Miguel Cerrolaza. It is regularly held every two years and the last edition was in Belgrade in 2019. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 meeting was postponed to early 2022.
Lisbon is the right venue to restart face-to-face conferences and your work and experience on the topics of the conference will be an important contribute to the success of the meeting.
Please save the date in your agenda and visit the conference website for updated information:

ACMEC Professors among the highly cited scientists in the World


99 Técnico scientists were ranked among the best in the world according to a Stanford University study, 3 of them being ACMEC Professors.
The study was carried out by Stanford University and presented in an article entitled “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators”, on the subject of authors and citations, published in the Public Library of Science Biology (PLOS Biology) magazine.
In its “Career Impact” list, spanning a few decades, Professor Jorge Ambrósio and Professor Nuno Silvestre are referenced. In another list, that focuses on single-year impact throughout 2019, Professor Pedro Areias is also included.

The study is available at PLOS Biology website.

Clarivate Analytics 2019

Highly Cited-Researcher-Award

We are extremely pleased to announce that Professor Pedro Areias has been added to Clarivate Analytics list of Highly Cited Researchers HCR 2019 (he has also been there in 2018 list) in Cross-Field Category. Highly Cited Researchers are selected for their exceptional research performance, determined by production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in Web of Science. The scientific area of Structural and Computational Mechanics is proud to have one of its members in such a distinguished list.

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Scientific Area of Structural and Computational Mechanics (ACMEC)